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Macroscope: Market correction

April 2020 Portfolio Management Team Update

Market & Economic Environment: March 2020 will go down in history as the month of the “Coronavirus Crash.” Global stock markets posted their biggest monthly decline in decades and the worst quarterly performance since 2008, as the worldwide spread of the coronavirus triggered unprecedented shutdowns in most regions of the global economy. The TSX fell […]

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Dealing with the “Coronavirus Crash” – FAQ

(This article was written on March 18, 2020; all market data is of close on that date). SUMMARY The global economy has not faced a worldwide threat like the COVID-19 pandemic since the Second World War. This is probably the first time in decades that large swathes of the global economy are grinding to a […]

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Is your financial plan protected?

March 2020 Portfolio Management Team Update

Market & Economic Environment: After weeks of ignoring the steady drumbeat of negative news emanating from China and other places suggesting that the novel coronavirus was spreading globally, investors’ complacency turned to outright panic in the last week of February, triggering the fastest-ever correction (decline of over 10%) in the S&P 500. Just days after […]

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Financial charts & stocks

February 2020 Portfolio Management Team Update

Market & Economic Environment: The first month of 2020 commenced on an inauspicious note for financial markets, as two “wild cards” injected significant uncertainty in the outlook for the year. The TSX Composite and S&P 500 equity markets had recovered from the initial spike in geopolitical risk – caused by the killing of a top […]

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